
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:01:15
She doesn’t like listening( )music 推荐几部将古埃及的电影呀~最近开始对古埃及有兴趣了,大家推荐既不关于他的电影~言情,打仗的都可以! 推荐一下有什么好看的关于古埃及的电影? 有什么好看的电影(关于古埃及)? OSAKA,JAPAN印在纸箱上的 有没有好看的关于古埃及的电影介绍一下呢? At the championship in 2001,China took all the titles in Osaka,Japan. ware house to final destination at Osaka for at least 110% of CIF value贸易条款insurance policy or certificate in three copies made out to applicant ,covering institute cargo clauses(A),and insstitute war clauses(cargo) as pericc clause ,includin OSAKA,JP 我从UPS寄包裹到美国洛杉矶,可是查询追踪信息的时候,出现一条OSAKA,JP 2010/06/14 22:09 启程扫描,难道是还要从日本转吗? osaka是哪个城市名 把下面的对话补充完整.:a:excuse me,w__is that tall lady b:she's my f__teacher.H__name is lily greea:she looks young and berutiful.what s __does she teach?b:she t__english .and she's a__good at singing.a:r__?can she play any sports?b:yes,she 优秀班集体代表发言的演讲稿关于学风,班级荣誉感,对初三的展望急今天要交 补全对话Excuse me.Where are you from?I'm from Canada.And my name is Alice.A:Excuse me.Where are you from?B:I'm from Canada.And my name is Alice.A:welcome.Well,there are many_____in our schoolA:Excuse me.Where are you from?B:I'm from Canada.And my 英语中定语从句关系代词的使用问题the athlete that you talk to is a famous runner.whether can I use "that"in this sentence?thank you so much! she()()()a movie () () () of 3 she is fond of music she developed copies of her film解释为什么要用copies是哪样意思 DM/USD=2.00,USD/DM=2.0都是什么说法?DM/USD=2.00的意思是一德国马克兑换2美元,还是一美元兑换2德国马克?换成货币符号之后表示方式有改变吗? 怎么翻,The contract is on CIF basis,price is USD 183 per mt CIFFO to North China main port. 作文我为班级争光彩演讲稿,400字以上就行乐 班级荣誉感文章 she likes ()but she doesn't ()doing her homework 选【】 A B C DA cooking;likes B to cook;to like C cooking;like D cooking;like E cooking;likes 快;急不好意思D cooked ;like She doesn't like____(纯的)milk,But she likes yogurt. “一个人对于自己的职业不敬,从学理方面说,”一直到“由于人生最为有利.”在《敬业与乐业》中.这一段话求一个仿写,只需结构一样就行,先给的满意. 作者认为:”敬业主义,于人生最为必要,又于人生最为有利“,你同意他的观点吗?说说你的看法. 新概念英语2的听力音频,谁可以打包发我一份啊我需要新概念英语2的听力音频, The heavy rain was accompanied by a strong wind.为什么用by而不用with Soon a heavy rain c____ with a big wind. 表示天气强度,英语,比如:一阵强风,一阵大雨(a heavy rain,a strong wind.)表示想要多了解此类短语,还有类似于:a loud noise?有什么内涵、规律否? -(突然)a strong wind blew away the clouds and a heavy rain began 提问题以增加班集体荣誉感 我为班级做贡献为主题写一篇演讲稿,GGJJ叔叔阿姨们,12小时内写出来啊,呜 I want you ____ ____ (write)back soon.怎么填?