
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:26:06
这次会议宣告了新中国的成立和人民民主制度的成立.改病句急 I dreamed of you yesterday的意思 I thought of yesterday ,I kept you in memory 禁止标线指示是什么意思? 他们下班后经常在社区中心集中英文翻译 两小儿辩日的“辨日”是什么意思? 26个字母组合 3个字母为一组合 Why was the Sea World so exciting and fun Alice favorite sports is (游泳),这个“游泳”是填“swim”还是“swimming”,为什么,谢谢 你必须经过三条单行道You will have( ) ( )three( )streets They walked__the lake A as far as B so far as C as farther as D so far The ____ north he went,the colder it became.A far B farther C fur D further ( ).He doesn't enjoy __TV plays.A.watch B.to watch C.watchig D.to watching 外国语言存在口音吗?中国在不同的城市都有着不同的口音,请问下,外国有口音的存在吗?比如中国的北京和上海还有福建等地方,说话就明显不同,那么假如在美国的话,美国的不同城市会有着不 谁能帮我把下面几句话用天津口音说出来?1大哥,今天是我们结义的纪念日,我和二哥都和照相馆的老板说好了,打八折给咱仨照个写真啥的,可你为啥一定要来见诸葛亮啊2我管你是孔明还是恐龙 TThe other day,my brother drovehis carThe other day,my brother drove his car down the street at ____ thought was a dangerous speed.为什么不能用which 而用what "丢失"的原形和过去时 invite的用法 did 后面的 give 为什么不用过去时?why? I think you will have to _______three one-way street Tomorrow is Mother's Day.I ( ) a nice card for my mother.( )内填空用make填? I want to give my mother (a card) 对括号内内容提问 the farther the sight,the nearer the rain the farther the sight ,the nearer the rain.这句英语到底有哪些不同的理解啊! 请帮忙翻译.the farther the sight ,the near the rain the father the sight ,the nearer the rain可以理解为未雨绸缪吗? be,break,buy,can,come,cost,do,drive,fall,get,give,go,hear,know,leave,pay,put,ring,run,say.过去时快 The nearer the church the farther fom the God Let’s invite Love翻译 英语翻译Whynotinviteprospectiveborrowers to complete a standard from and circulate that to a number of lenders,who would then make an offer to the borrower to complete a standard form. i have not thing to say这句话是什么意思 老师让我们name one thing you could have done better in your classes last year我觉得意思是举出你去年本该做好而没有做好的事,这里应是虚拟语气,但同学认为是举出你可以比去年做得更好的事情,谁对