
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:12:16
JACK will be back___3hours,but his brother will be back___3 o,clock.为什么选in和after谢谢 在句子“My father will be back after 3 o'clock.”中为什么不能in用代替after? 电视机英语PROGRAM翻成中文是什么意思 漂粉精溶液中通入二氧化碳,产生白色沉淀,且混合液的ph减小能不能证明碳酸的酸性强于次氯酸?但是答案上说实验事实和结论不符 一吨水加多少漂粉精可使水余氯达到2.5mg/l医院废水消毒用 平形四边形的底相当于圆的( ) 平形四边形有几条高 平形四边形中间划一条线后一共有几个平形四边形 平形四边形的面积=底乘高 I wish it will be fine.这句话有语法错误吗? Will it be a success?=Will it be_________? will it be successful还是a success 平形四边形的两邻边分别为10和8,若两长边间的距离为8,则两短边的距离为( )A:5 B:10 C:4 D:8 平形四边形的周长为68cm,则它两邻边之和为多少?若两邻边之比为2:3是 时,其它各边为多少? 用婉蜒,摇曳,绿毯,倾诉写100字以上的文章.要通顺! 用蜿蜒 摇曳 绿毯 倾诉80字内为人们描绘一幅新的画面 绿毯、摇曳、蜿蜒、倾诉怎么组句子70字的 求英语作文 a big surprise Show me your map of Beijing(同义句)Show your map of Beijing( )( ) So show me your map of Beijing,Lingling.OK,here's Tian'anmen Square. show me the map of your hometown的同义句 rip your heart 毯字怎么组词 怎么求平形四边形 垫怎么组词 I had a surprise party for Mary.这个句子对吗?句中的surprise 可以换成surprising吗? The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo 的同义句 The Sunnyside Garden is()()north-west of-------------------++++++++++-------------------------------------- What dose the he want to do?的答语 他究竟想干什么?what_______ _______dose he want to do?This is my book.It's her book.(合并为一句)This book isn't ______ ______hers.when I got home ,I began to do my homework at once.(变为同义句)I began to do my homework______ _____ ( ) 9 What ___ he want to drink A do B does C doing D dose 平形四边形 “由于质量与服务不能与国际市场接轨,使得中国的小家电生产企业没有形成品牌优势”这个句子中出现什么语病