
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:13:42
跪求高手翻译一下:love is giving someone the ability to destroy you and trusting them not to Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you and trusting them not to Love is giving someone the ability to hurt you but trusting them not to.请帮忙翻译成中文 过去式help 谁能告诉我help的过去式 求一首英文摇滚歌曲 其中一句好像是 ...where is the wonder why we are... My best friend likes to do the same things as I do .改为同义句(12词) columbus wanted to cross the ocean 这句话里的wanted为什么要用过去式 help wanted 用法 Every night Every Day中文意思是什么;? every little thing GOOD NIGHT的中文歌词 2014 8 17号6点过地震了我这里是四川省宜宾翠屏区的一栋楼房,就在刚刚6点过我正在睡觉,突然床在晃,连窗户都在震的响,我猛然被吓醒,(拿了手机看了一眼)晃了半分钟,就恢复正常了,现在我 the book is much more interesting than that which I read last night是对的吗用the one ,that which,that,one that,放在than 后,那个是对的?? your book is interesting,but mine is_____more interestingA.so B.very C.far D.ever 英语翻译你的真实故事绝对比书中的故事精彩,也更值得感动与回味. Thursday thank math clothes 哪一个单词发音不同 thin clothes Thursday 读音不同是? 以“做最好的,展示最好的”为主题的作文.英文是:To do the most,to show the best.急我们学校要开展英语节,让我们制作一份英语海报,我找了好多地方都找不到,我是一名初三学生,限期明天中午.急. 阅读题 Scientists wantend to know more about the moon. They thought the best way was tosend men to the moon . The moon is about 384 000 kilometres away from the earth. A plane can not fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometres aw think\thank\thing的读音~think\thank\thing.这3个单词我一直读不准,音标知识不健全是一个方面,最重要的是我不知道啥时候该把舌头放在牙齿之间,啥时候该上牙齿咬住下嘴唇,为此也闹了不少笑话.希 高三毕业想在新东方学英语我是北京高考生,英语成绩平时还不错,是120的水平.我想在这个暑假在新东方继续提高一下我的英语.我看上了两个班比较适合我,一个是大学英语预科班,另一个则是 定语从句中怎么判断用 that which Where请说详细一点……我老是搞不清楚你们这么说我还是看不懂啊……举几个例子说说看到这种题应该从哪里判断吧…… 托福的那个tpo22的难度怎么样?我听力错两个,阅读也错了两个,能多少分呢?有人感觉tpo22听力又快题目又怪吗?不好意思tpo打错了 机考托福阅读错5到7个,听力错4到6个大致是多少分?如何提高?我做了不少TPO,大概都是这个水平.请问实考难度与TPO差距大不?这个水平大约多少分?阅读基本上都会错一个单词和一个插入,而最后 求托福TPO22阅读中the birth of photography一篇第六题解析就是问portraiture的那一道题,答案B是说photography更便宜,我想知道为什么不选A,就是因为有photography竞争而使的portrait价格压低.有解析说没有说 thin和think里的th发音一样么? I will go with you if it don't rain tomorrow哪个单词错了 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.I will go with you if it ____ (not rain) tomorrow2.He is looking forward to ____ (share) his joy with his friends 3.My younger brother spent much time _____ (lie) in bed last sunday 4 Harry's mother was ill afte If it ( ) tomorrow,I ( ) with you.1.rain,go 2.will,rain,willgo 3.rains,wont not go4.wont not rain ,go 如何辨别重读闭音节音节是一个元音划一个音节,但不太清楚是看字母中的元音,还是音标中的元音,例如,map是看字母a来划分,还是音标中的元音音素来划分. 怎么分辨重读闭音节 怎样区分重读闭音节单词?