
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:39:31
TIME FLIES They are twins.(翻译) 求大神批改雅思作文~能告诉我大概的分数和需要努力的方向吗?作文题目是:Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think I should help students acquire theoretical knowledge 雅思作文 帮我批改下~~谢谢啦~(给个分数,怎么提高呢?)The belowing table shows us the percentage of different categories of families living in poverty which was in Australia in 1999.The table gives us six types of the family. 求大神看看我的雅思作文 大约能得多少分数?哪里需要修改! The graph illustrates the number of people at a londen underground station between 6:00 and 22:00. We can see from the graph that the number of people was 100, which i 你的前女友对你说有谁会在时过境迁之后还在那里等你意味着什么 Run-time error75:Path/File access error If they also fall into water, I'll save first I love him.意思 翻译He is more than / over / at least / not less than 20. 雅思作文复议成功率成绩L 7 R 7.5 S 6 W 5.5.自己觉得作文没有偏题,应该可以有6吧.读硕士,需要6.5 min6呀.有必要复议么?成功性大不?考第2次了。。上次作文也5.5,但是是偏题的。。我的小作文以 我的雅思作文复议能成功吗? when the bus stopped,a boy -----------------------.got it on;B.got on it 我雅思作文5.5要不要复议呢?我觉得我的作文水平差不多6.5左右的 另外口语5.5复议成6分可能性大么?我感觉我口语水平也就5.6(主要是为了复议作文)但是我口语part2和part1都回答的不错的.part When they got to the t_____ of the hill,they stopped. 关于雅思作文复议我是2013年6月考的雅思 成绩总分7 L8 R8 W5.5 S7 感觉自己的写作成绩有点太低了 我对自己的思路 结构 用词等等都很有信心 唯一不确定因素就是字数 因为当时时间紧 两个作文 I ____(wait)at the bus stop when a car stopped. The bus driver stopped the bus immediately when the light is red.保持原句意The bus driver stopped the bus()()when the light is red The bus driver stopped the bus immediately when the light is red.(保持原句意思)上面的是原句,下面的是题目The bus driver stopped the bus_____ _____ when the light is red. l listen to music for an hour every day .对 for an hour 进行提问[ ] [ ] do you listen to music every day? The password must have at least 8 but no more than 12 characters.It must contain upper case and lo 1.The password you have entered is not valid.The password must be at least 8 characters long.2.Passwords must have at least 8 characters,made up of letters and at least 2 numbers.两句话的意思 password must have contain least 1 letter ipod touch password must be at least 8 characters注册touch时 ,不管怎么输密码都是出现password must be at least 8 characters还有哪里有美国地址? 英语翻译没写完,全文是:Your password must be 8-16 characters,and include at least one lowercase letter,one uppercase letter,and a number. When they went into the park,they saw someone ______the violin they walked -----[ cross,across] the stree and went into a shop "How giad they were when the bird went up into the sky!"的翻译. They went to the Gift Shop ___they bought lots of gifts.A.when B.where C.there D which请解释原因 怎样提高雅思作文?最近一次考雅思,就作文给拉分了,阅读听力都是7 雅思作文要怎么提高? 雅思作文怎么提高 Be careful when you stand on the dam.______,you will fall into the waterA Otherwise B Therefore C Or D And