
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 03:19:46
never 后面是像can一样加动词原形吗?还是随主语而变化? never后为什么不是动词原形 never加动词原形可以标祈使吗? The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students A、are B、were如果把这个句子看成是客观真理的话,可以用are吗?说出理由 write the words they said The teacher said the children in that class were doing welll.write the words they said The teacher said the children in that class doing well.The teacher said ,"The children in this class are doing well(1)Ken said that his p THE TEACHER SAID THAT THEY WERE GOOD STUDENT,为什么WERE不是ARE呢,这不是一般现在陈述事实吗 he said that they were tourists that they were tourists划线提问 过去进行时:was/were+being+done +PP(PP代表什么)? were后为什么还可以加being?The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down. I hope ____ a model in a few years A.to be B.being C.you to be D.you were doesn't后跟动词原形吗? 那些词后跟动词原形 will后跟动词原形吗那将来进行时 后面还是现在分词呢,不要笑话我哦~ Let后跟动词原形Let's后跟动词原形,那么Let后也跟动词原型? 一 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,( ) 1.A.tea B.meat C.weather D.beach ( ) 2.A.一 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,( ) 1.A.tea B.meat C.weather D.beach( ) 2.A.back B.fast C.have D.map( ) 3.A.warm B.garden C.mar meat和seat中的ea读音相同吗? A.seat B.bread C.tea D.peach 找出画线部分不同的一个 (都是ea) bread teacher meet me中的ea ea ee e哪个发音不同 boy was lucky enough to escape () in the traffic accident yesterday.A KillingB to be killedC to kill D being killed He was lucky enough to escape ________ in the great fire.A.to be killed B.killing C.killed D.being killed The law -breakers deserve____most severely.A.to be punished B.punishing C.being punished D.punished John was lucky enough to win first prize这句句子中first 前是不是一定要加the 用be lucky enough to do造句 初二新课标八年级下英语典中点答案 第四单元单元达标测试 提供者 追加100分 问一下may,can,must,could提问时该怎么回答? may I ,could I,等这些的肯定和否定回答-may i ……-yes,you ** 能填什么 -no,you can't/mustn't.-could i……-yes ,you can.-no,you can't 好象有点不礼貌.-must i ……-yes,you must.**-no,you needn't/don't have to.-need i ……-yes 五个开音节闭音节的单词都有哪些? 下列单词中,哪些是开音节,哪些是闭音节,如下:home、man、bus、she、like、ship、bes、cake、dog、June上面的bes其实是bed。 家中哪些电器含有电磁铁 下列用电器中,一定没有电磁铁的是A.电烙铁B.电铃C.电磁继电器 为什么很多电器中会用到电磁铁,还有这个东西叫什么 为什么很多电器中会用到电磁铁,/