
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:19:31
空间中的垂直问题!空间内,如果B的投影垂直于直线A,那么直线A是否与直线B垂直?空间内,如果直线A垂直于直线B的投影,那么直线A是否与直线B垂直?请说明理由谢谢! 英语翻译But Rio is also pockmarked by several hundred “favelas,” orshantytowns,where hundreds of thousands of poor peoplelive in cramped(狭窄的),precarious(危险的)quarters(住处) just a stone’sthrow—ora stray bullet’s 关于现代汉语知识的问题“这个字是什么?”“民.”请问“民”是语法单位吗?是的话,是什么语法单位? 小学阶段的现代汉语知识最好有例子. 什么是地带分异,垂直分异和非地带分异 北坡为阴坡,蒸发较弱,土壤水分条件好植被覆盖好南坡迎分坡,降水多,但是为什么植被覆盖度没阴坡好?虽然蒸发大,但是降水多啊? 夏洛的网作者是谁 The girls are happy at the pirty.同义句 if引导的条件状语从句中,可以使用现在完成时吗?怎么用?初中英语语法要讲吗? 英语翻译如题,怎么读啊 补全对话, A:What__you doing tomorrow,Eddie?B:I am __bird-watching___the market.A:At the market?B:I like the__at the market.Beijing Duck__roast chicken.Yummy! Nowadays the computers made by our company sell best ,but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they____A were playing B were to play C have played D played 麻烦看看! 英语翻译我想把以下短句用英语翻译写出中文谐音.因为我不认识英语,用中文谐音可以背下来.(一:要给我小费哦,二:小费,三:旅游) 英语翻译to 完善自身修养 which 是我国文明进步的表现剧烈的社会变革拼搏奋斗赶不上时代的步伐请别用翻译器 ,最好优美点 描写夕阳西下的诗句kuai 关于道德良心的问题近些年名人虚假药品广告数不胜数!最近有关赵忠祥的药品虚假广告真是太多了!我就想问一下,你作为一个老“国脸”这样的愚弄人民百姓!你心亏不亏!你的脸皮真够厚的! 又带水又带艹的字有哪些 大家一起帮我找带(门)(艹)的字吧 描写夕阳西下的句子今晚就要是句子!句子!句子!句子!句子!句子!句子!句子!句子!句子 英语翻译不要太难的,要初中水平的:在……的对面脱险有点难看在……的开始一条新闻向右拐一个八岁的男孩玩得高兴;过的愉快一个玩的高兴的好地方拍照好啦,就这么多啦! 英语翻译贸易学人际关系处理能力综合素质可塑性 at the chinese new year,we are happy的同义句 鲁智深因为什么事件不容于众僧,只好告别师傅下山事件!一个故事的名字 Our school has bought many books for the high school sthdentsOur school has bought many books for the high school sthdentsA meantB tendedC intendeD made --college students in our courtry has been increasing in the pastten yearsA a great deal of B a good many C the number of 21.This university has———— a great deal since our last visit.A.appeared B.altered C.approached D.admired22.She is narrow-minded and always ————what other people have.A.jealous B.owes C.misses D.envies23.When he woke up from his dream, 小说《飘》白瑞德的英文名是什么, 欧也妮·葛朗台一共有几章? 有关形式与内容的哲理故事最好与企业,人有关系的故事. 能表明内容高于形式要确切的故事 失去与拥有哲理小故事 谁能帮我做成带图的ppt? 七年级期末试卷答案