
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:34:42
I usually eat breakfast at 7:30.如何变一般疑问句? 一点英语语法问题我想问的是刚才看了个句子是这样的:i became used to seening her为什么became可以后面直接加used to呢?而且两个都是过去的 做服装设计要用什么软件?这些软件分别有什么作用?就是设计出来的图可以直接给打板师傅做衣服,谁知的,可以详细的说一下嘛? 服装设计的意义是什么? 想认识一些服装设计的朋友!没有条件限制! 急··服装设计象征的社会含义是什么? in the 迅速,下午就要用, i hate you 意思 In the second part of the story ,what does the word "just" mean?翻译 Do they eat breakfast ________ _________6:30 in the morning Does breakfast start at 7:30 in the morning?做肯定回答和否定回答 be made as 有这个短语吗? be consider as与 it"s nowonder 补充排比句鸟儿的叫声是如此纯净,闭目倾听着细细碎碎的鸟语,我仿佛走进了葱郁的森林,阳光透过树梢,投下了斑驳的光点,风挥动着每一片叶子,扇去了你心中所有的烦躁;我仿佛( );我仿 定义 的英文 好像读作turm 老师说短语是 be turmed as 被定义做 梦想是……(补充排比句)梦想是助人成功的基石;梦想是催人奋进的动力;梦想是…… 补充一个排比句……不能拒绝……,你不能拒绝长大.前面找一个这样格式的,有比喻意义的景物最好是能体现一种成长的(如花不能拒绝开放) 把排比句补充完整.书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门;书是阶梯,帮助人们登上理想的高峰;书是----------------------------------------------;书是---------------------------------------------------. 请为我的排比句补充完整.我虽胆小懦弱,但我善良正直;我虽行动不便,但我神通广大;.1.最好再来一个讲忙碌的2.我第一句的胆小懦弱是不是应该改成:不思进取or懒惰成性 strong people don't put others down they lift them up. We should eat breakfast(划线提问) 划在eat breakfast这里! hold the position until next step 3 is finishsd是什么意思 making friends is one of the most unique experiences怎么翻译 He knocked him down with a sharp blow.He ___(a) beat him (b)blew him over (c) knocked him (d) struck him讲解下! No man is the whole of himself; his friends are the rest of him.帮忙翻译是什么意思?翻译成中文 be committed to doing sth和commit to doing sth 有什么区别? commit有几种词组搭配?be committed to do和commit to doing吗? 请教下文中短语be committed to的意思The properties version of the contradiction--a natural extension of the classes or sets version--raised serious doubts about whether one can be committed to objective existence of a property or universal c be made to 这类短语的结构made是作为什么存在的?动词?名词?be+这类词都是to Trust yourself,write down your goals for the day,however small they are,and you will be a stepcloser to achieving them.如何翻译? When did you get the gift and who gave it toyou?什麽意思? When do you get the gift and who gives it to you?中文